Complete timeline of their relationship

Dallas Keuchel, the Chicago White Sox pitcher, is married to MLB Network host Kelly Nash. Dallas and Kelly got engaged in March 2021 after dating for two years and married in January 2022. Here's the complete timeline of Kelly and Dallas' relationship, from their engagement announcement to Kelly congratulating Dallas on his 100th career home run.

March 2021: Kelly gets engaged to Chicago White Sox pitcher Dallas Keuchel, revealed they have been dating since 2019

Kelly and Dallas were hush-hush about seeing each and managed to keep their relationship under wraps. Nevertheless, Nash revealed that she had been dating Keukel since 2019 in an Instagram post where she also made the massive announcement of being engaged to the two-time All-Star.

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It seems Kelly is a firm believer in the phrase "keep things hidden until it's permanent."

September 2021: Kelly and Dallas are BFFs

Having a partner who is also your best friend is a win-win situation. Friendship creates a strong foothold in a relationship and helps create emotional and physical closeness. It also allows partners to be honest about their feelings without feeling insecure.

"Absolute best friend" - @ Kelly Nash

Kelly is one lucky girl!

October 2021: Kelly gives hint on Instagram of marrying Dallas

Kelly posted a beautiful photo of herself and Dallas on Instagram, in which they are seen sharing a passionate kiss.

"100 days until I say you know what to you know who." - @Kelly Nash

The image caption hinted at their January 2022 wedding date.

November 2021: Kelly congratulates Dallas on winning Gold Glove

As a proud fiancee, Kelly took to Instagram to congratulate Dallas Keuchel on winning his first Gold Glove with the Chicago White Sox. It was Dallas' fifth Gold Glove.

"My baby inspector gadget. He done messed around and earned himself a 5th gold glove. I love watchin you ball." - @ Kelly Nash

Keukel won the first four Gold Gloves while with the Houston Astros.

December 2021: Kelly uploads a lovely video on her YouTube channel and confirms her wedding date

In a beautiful video posted to YouTube in December 2021, Kelly confirmed her wedding date with Dallas Keuchel to be January 22, at Silverleaf Country Club in Scottsdale, Arizona.

January 2022: Finally! The Big Day - Kelly Nash and Dallas Keuchel get married

On January 22, 2022, Kelly and Dallas married in Scottsdale and sealed the deal for life. Kelly posted the wedding pictures on Instagram, where the newly married couple looked ravishing. Congratulations were in order.

"1.22.22 ♥. The best day of my life." - @ Kelly Nash

Kelly and Dallas are head over heels in love. The unparalleled chemistry between them is evident from the Instagram pictures. Fans everywhere are wishing them lots of love and happiness together!

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