Genshin Impact 4.1 Wriothesley banner 4-stars, release date, and weapon leaks

Genshin Impact's Fontaine update has just started, and players are in for a brand-new chapter within the world of Teyvat. The Nation of Justice introduced its Archon and multiple characters of the highest status in the first arc, with much awaiting in the upcoming versions. Thus, v4.1, which is a couple of weeks away, is scheduled to bring in new characters, 5-star reruns, new locations, and weapons.

Based on leaks, also shared by Genshin_Impact_Leaks, it appears Neuvillette will be released in the first half of the update, alongside Wriothesley in the second half. Hu Tao and Venti will be the rerun 5-star characters, respectively, alongside three 4-star units in each phase.

While Neuvillette and the first phase of 4.1 will go live on September 27, the second phase alongside Wriothesley can be expected on October 18.

Disclaimer: The following article is based on leaks subject to change. Readers should take everything mentioned here with skepticism.

Wriothesley banner release date and 4-star leak for Genshin Impact 4.1

Over time, Wriothesley has become one of the most anticipated characters in Genshin Impact. Being one of the very first Cryo Catalysts in the game, multiple leaks on his HP management kit have piqued the interest of many. As mentioned, players can expect Wriothesley to appear in the second half of 4.1, scheduled for October 18, 2023.

Here is a list of all characters rumored to be in Wriothesley's banner:

  • Wriothesley 5-star Cryo Catalyst.
  • Dori 4-star Elector Claymore.
  • Thoma 4-star Pyro Polearm.
  • Chongyun 4-star Cryo Claymore.

Venti will be the other 5-star character getting a rerun in the same phase as Wriothesley, so players looking for a decent cc (crowd control) unit can go for him.

For anyone interested in the first half, Neuvillette and Hu Tao will be the 5-star characters, with Xinqiu, Fischl, and Diona as 4 stars.

Genshin Impact 4.1 signature weapon leaks for new characters

HoYoverse will likely be releasing two new signature Catalysts for Neuvillette and Wriothesley alongside their main and refinement stat in Genshin Impact 4.1. These are:

  • Tome of the Eternal Flow for Neuvillette: ATK and CD, increased HP, alongside Charged ATK damage based on the health bar. Additionally, it restores energy after refreshing the stack of Charged ATK damage.
  • Cashflow Supervision: ATK and CR, increased ATK, alongside normal and Charged ATK based on the health bar. This specific effect can be triggered up to three stacks, increasing the wielder's attack speed after gaining them all.

Tome of the Eternal Flow and Staff of Homa will be the featured 5-star weapons in the first half, while Cashflow Supervision and Elegy of the End will be featured in the second half.

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