Overwatch 2 Winter Wonderland 2022 is here as Blizzard introduces new cosmetics for players to unlock through playing the limited-time event. The Christmas-themed event adds new challenges to the game to enthrall players as they compete in this game mode.
One such challenge includes catching snowballs in Winter Wonderland 2022. As surprising as it may sound, this is still possible in a limited-time game mode. Blizzard has brought the 'Caught A Cold' challenge tied to this event where players will have to catch a total of six snowballs in a Snowball Deathmatch.
This article looks to help Overwatch 2 players master catching snowballs in Winter Wonderland 2022.
How can players catch snowballs in Overwatch 2's Winter Wonderland?
Players will have to catch six snowballs in order to finish the 'Caught the Cold' challenge in Overwatch 2's Winter Wonderland this year. This can be done in the Snowball Deathmatch game mode, where eight players go up against each other. Here's how they can catch snowballs in a free-for-all fashion:
- You will have to be ready before an enemy throws a snowball at you.
- As soon as the snowball is about to hit your body, press the melee key. By default, it is "V" on the keyboard.
- If the key was timed right, Mei will catch the snowball.
Gamers will have to repeat this process six times to unlock the achievement. Following this, players will earn special rewards such as the Junker Queen Ornament spray and 1,500 Battle Pass XP. This will help the player unlock the Ice Queen Brigitte skin.
Apart from finishing the listed challenge, players can expect to have some fun in the casual game mode. The Snowball Deathmatch really captures the essence of Christmas as gamers throw virtual snowballs at each other.
Blizzard has kept this traditional Christmas game mode for a while now with the Overwatch titles. Overwatch 2 players can navigate to Arcade and Winter Brawls to play the Snowball Deathmatch. Players will have to earn 15 kills to win the game. This year, the game mode features Ecopoint: Antarctica and Black Forest maps for the game mode.
The Ice Queen Brigitte skin is the most precious cosmetic item in this year's Winter Wonderland. Players will have to complete several challenges to earn it. Completing any six challenges introduced with the event can help gamers unlock limited-time skins. As perks, some of these challenges will hand individual rewards upon their completion.
Plenty of Ornament sprays for Kiriko, Ramattra, and Soujourn will be available upon finishing specific challenges in Overwatch 2 Winter Wonderland.
Winter Wonderland will last until January 4, 2023, in Overwatch 2. Players will also have plenty of time to unlock special rewards in the game this holiday season. More popular events similar to Winter Wonderland can be expected in the future.
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