PlateUp! is a new cooking simulator made by Yogscast Games. It allows friends to run a restaurant together. A player can start their business solo and see how things go. Alternatively, they can partner up with up to three of their buddies for a four-player challenge that consists of building, opening, and successfully managing a restaurant.
While it isn't very difficult to start a multiplayer game in PlateUp!, the game doesn't explicitly explain to its users how to use the Multiplayer mode menu.
Multiplayer in PlateUp! can be selected from the main menu
To start a multiplayer session in PlateUp!, all players must have the game purchased and running simultaneously. One of the players can then do the following to start a co-op session in the game and get their friends involved:
- Enter the main menu of the game.
- Select the Multiplayer mode option, and a lobby will be formed.
- Choose between making the lobby invite-only or open for anyone to join.
- Friends can join the lobby on their own by selecting Join Game, or an invite can be sent.
- Press Shift+Tab to open the Steam Overlay and navigate to the Friends list to send an invite.
- Once in the lobby, everyone should press P on the default keyboard settings to "ready up" and be an active member of the game.
Players can still join in even if the lobby begins and the cooking is underway. Anyone can join late during the opening portion of each round. If they join outside of that time, they'll have to wait until the next round kicks off to play.
XP is still earned during multiplayer
At launch, many players were concerned that XP would only be given to the host of a game during a multiplayer session. XP isn't earned in the same manner as the single-player mode, but it transfers over.
After playing a cooperative game with a group of friends, simply exit and go back to the single-player mode of the game. The XP will begin to pile up without players having to do anything else.
The game supports local and online multiplayer
One of the most anticipated features of PlateUp! before launch was the potential for cooperative play. Not only can players dive into a game with their friends online, but they can also connect controllers to play with friends in the same room.
The developers have also highlighted how well the title works with Steam's Remote Play and Parsec. These are two tools that allow players to play a variety of games together without needing to worry about being in the same location.
How to play PlateUp!
PlateUp! is available through Steam. A demo can be downloaded for free, and the game itself can be purchased for $17.99. A bundled edition with the game Spacelines from the Far Out is being sold for $23.08.
Just add the game to the Steam cart from the Library. Log in and select a payment method. Once it is fully installed, launch it from the Steam application and begin playing.
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