Porsha Williams shared a photo featuring her baby girl Pilar Jhena and her granny Diane Williams on her social media account, and fans cannot get enough of the two. Porsha said that this is an unbreakable bond, and a grandmother is a God to their grandkids.
‘My 🌎❤️😩 @msdianeofficial @pilarjhena #MyMommy&Daughter #UnbreakableBond #Blessings,’ Porsha captioned the post that she shared on her own social media account.
She shared the same photo on her daughter’s social media account and captioned it with the following words: ‘Nani & I! ❤️ Grandmothers are Gods 💝’
A follower said: ‘Grandmothers are the only one who can take momma place,’ and a commenter posted this message: ‘Look how comfy she is with her Nani god bless.’
Someone said: ‘My first grandbaby is due this month I’m so excited to be promoted to GoGo,’ and someone else posted this: ‘Pilar favors her grandmother a lot! Cute picture!💕’
A commenter posted this message: ‘Beautiful precious grandparents moments 💯💯 I love my time with the grandkids,’ and one other follower said: ‘❤️❤️ Their bond is Unbelievable and Unbreakable.’
One other follower posted this: ‘@porsha4real ahhhhh this is just priceless love your beautiful family,’ and a follower wrote this about Diane: ‘Your mom is literally the most beautiful woman I’ve ever saw @porsha4real @msdianeofficial.’
Someone else praised baby PJ and said: ‘Your daughter is GORGEOUS. Yes, she looks like her dad who is a very handsome BLACK man. Go PJ.’
Anyway, as you probably know by now, Porsha Williams created a social media account especially for her and Dennis McKinley‘s baby girl, Pilar Jhena.
Here, Porsha keeps posting all kinds of pics and clips featuring this cutie pie just to keep her diehard fans updated on her daily adventures.
The proud mom shared a couple of new clips featuring PJ playing and these will make your day.