When Kensington Palace tweeted out “The Duke & Prince Harry’s visit @PinewoodStudios recognises the wealth of British creative talent involved in producing the @starwars films”, we knew we were in for a wild ride. The two royals got the V.I.P experience on the set and we got all the photos and videos documented from their trip.
William clearly telling BB-8 although he’s cute, he has nothing on Prince George.
Harry and Chewie sighs
Mark Hamill (LUKE SKYWALKER) and William
The Princes with Daisy Ridley (Rey), their tour guide for the day.
Harry showcasing his flying skills.
John Boyega (Finn), Chewbacca and Harry
The cast and the Princes
The Royal Family Channel posted this video of William and Harry who clearly were having the time of their lives.
Along with one last video that has a few more pictures and all the details on the brother vs. brother light saber battle in order to decide who rules the Empire (we’re kidding).
Though someone may have been more excited than the two Princes, Mark Hamill tweeted out “Meeting #Royals William & Harry! Finally- a chance to get an informed answer on whether being Leia’s brother makes me a Prince. #LordLuke”. He continued claiming you were not allowed to point at or hug William or Harry but clearly exceptions were made to that rule!
We love seeing that the Royals are just like us and obsessed with Star Wars. Excited for Episode VIII, hit us up on Twitter @CelebMix.