Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 237 puts Sukuna against Kashimo on the battlefield after his dramatic win over Gojo. The spoilers released today also show that two new players enter the battlefield to complicate matters further. The official translation is set to be released on Monday, October 2, 2023, at 12 a.m. JST in Shueisha’s Shonen Jump issue 44.
In the previous chapter, Gojo met Geto, Haibara, Nanami, and Yaga in his final moments and contemplated his battle with Sukuna. It was revealed that Mahoraga had adapted to Infinity completely and had cut Gojo in half. After Gojo died, Hajime Kashimo, the God of Lightning, entered the battlefield.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 237.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 237 spoilers show the return of Sukuna’s original form as Kashimo and Hakari begin their battle
According to the spoilers, Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 237 is titled “Back to Shinjuku Battlefield, Part 14”. The chapter begins with Kashimo rushing towards Sukuna while a massive block of ice descends from far above the battlefield. Atop it stood Uraume, the Frozen Star, who gets intercepted by Hakari. He had promised Kashimo to let him have a go at Sukuna and, as such, cannot let Uraume interfere.
Hakari activated his Domain, Idle Death Gamble, around Uraume, who activated Ice Formation in retaliation. Even though Uraume is ensnared in Hakari’s Domain, the block of ice they were standing on continues falling towards the ground and evaporates a few meters directly above Sukuna. Kashimo then notices that this was to deliver a weapon to Sukuna.
Yorozu forged this Cursed Tool, Kamutoke, using her innate ability, Construction. Sukuna used the original Kamutoke alongside Hiten during the Heian era. In Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 219, Yorozu makes a Binding Vow moments before her death as a parting gift for Sukuna.
Sukuna uses this Tool to launch an electric attack on Kashimo, whose Cursed Energy has made him invulnerable to all types of electricity. Kashimo asks Sukuna (the quote is paraphrased and can be changed in the official translation):
“Did you earn the title of the strongest, or were you born as such?”Sukuna replies that while he does not know the answer, he could say he was an unwanted child. Kashimo then asks Sukuna the meaning of being strong: Does it mean solitude? Or is the constant search for greater power a price the strongest must bear alone? Sukuna calls Kashimo extravagant, the same as Gojo was, and taunts Kashimo to give him his best shot.
Kashimo then activates his Cursed Technique, Genjuu Kohaku (Phantom Beast Amber). Kashimo lands a hit on Sukuna and immediately launches another attack. Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 237 explains that Kashimo’s Cursed Technique allows him to turn any electrical phenomenon into an attack.
His Cursed Technique enhances his strength and agility, and he can vaporize objects by making his own electromagnetic waves. However, Kashimo must transcend the boundaries of human flesh to make this happen; as such, his body will break down once he deactivates his Cursed Technique.
The Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 237 raw scans show Kashimo taking a seemingly intangible form made up of an electric, gaseous matter. He manages to punch Sukuna once more, damaging his body (or Megumi's) further. Suddenly, Sukuna gives off a large blast of energy. The narration explains that Sukuna could revive his original body only once without using the Reversed Cursed Technique: through incarnation.
The raw scans show mist engulfing Sukuna’s body before he emerges in his original Heian Era form with four arms and four eyes. After completing the transformation, he is healed of any previous injuries.
Final Thoughts
Quite naturally, the chapter raised some concern for Megumi’s status. Whether Sukuna regaining his original body means he has left Megumi’s body behind or that Megumi’s body is now completely destroyed has not been answered by the Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 237 spoilers. Most fans believe that Akutami has likely killed off Megumi a week after he had killed off Gojo.
On the other hand, Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 237 also reveals Kashimo’s Cursed technique. It gives the readers some hints about Sukuna’s backstory. Some fans had long since posited that Kashimo was the Satoru Gojo of his time, and he was perhaps even stronger than that, given that he lived till his old age. The fact that Sukuna only brought back his original body to fight Kashimo supports this notion, although it could also be due to Megumi’s body being damaged beyond repair.
The editor’s note at the beginning specifies that this is no longer the “Battle of the Strongest” but the battle of “against the Strongest.” The note at the end states, “Manifestation of true form.” According to Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 237 spoilers, there will be no break next week.
Be sure to keep up with more anime news and manga updates as the series progresses. Find Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 237 release details here.
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